You find yourself randomly quoting Dr Suess books to yourself... " The sun did not shine it was too wet to play" I said this the other afternoon when it was raining.
You look at containers before you put them in the garbage/recycling bin, thinking how you could make them into a craft project.
You are guilty of preparing two seperate for you and the hubby, and one for the toddler who is on a perpetual food strike. I put bits of what we are having on his plate, but I know he isn't going to eat it. Ugh!
You get excited when the Michael's and JoAnn's circulars come out and there are free or cheap projects coming to the store.
Last week at Michael's they had a handprint painting to welcome your new baby from the sibling. All you had to purchase was the 12x12 canvas (which was $8, but bogo, so we bought 4 for $16).
We had an assembly line going since we were the only people to show up! Awesome!
So these are the things that go on in my world...Sound familiar?
1 comment:
LOL - all too true!! I love the handprint painting!! Super cute!
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