Monday, January 11, 2010


So today is my birthday.
Do you remember when you were a kid and you thought 30 was OLD???
So maybe its not that old, but I am not quite ready to claim it yet.
So I can just be 29 again this year.
I have accomplished alot in 29+1 years.
I have made some amazing friends. 3 of whom I went to highschool with and
I have graduated both high school and college, with plans to go back for my master's this year.
I have picked the most wonderful man in the world to marry. He is my best friend and he completes me in every way that matters. He is strong where I am weak, he is silent when I am running off at the mouth, he is patient where I am impulsive.
I have a beautiful son, who turns 3 in April and he constantly amazes and amuses me.
I have another son on the way, and I know he will bring even more joy to our lives.
I have an incredible family. We may be small in number, but we are constant. I have received unending support from my parents, my sister and my brother. They are fantastic and I am so blessed to have them.
So I am going to enjoy today and see it for the positive aspects.


Wade's World said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for "delurking" today! I love finding new blogs and I can't wait to read more about your family. Have a great day!

Rachel said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm with you - I think I'll stay 29 too in a couple years.

Love the birthday post!